FACE Campus

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Upstream: FACE pumps river water for tree nursery

Growth needs water - this basic requirement has become increasingly important since FACE began landscaping the educational campus on a large scale. Now, a water pump additionally supplies the FACE educational campus with industrial water from the nearby river "Shire". WATER FOR THE NURSERY In addition to the secondary school and the newly founded elementary [...]


CoronaRide – 1.000 km in 3 days

Even though in Germany we are to some extent very much affected by the Corona crisis: In other countries of the world, Corona means fighting for survival for many of those who are affected. Financial security for difficult times and good medical care are privileges of the wealthy. Together, we would like to look at [...]


TSV Wolfsburg initiiert Sponsorenaktion für Grundschule in Afrika

Eine Grundschule für Kinder in Afrika bauen: Dieses Ziel hat sich der gemeinnützige Verein FACE e.V. gesteckt – und der TSV Wolfsburg will fleißig mithelfen. Bis zum Saisonende widmet die Fußball-Herrenmannschaft des TSV Wolfsburg jeden Treffer dem Grundschulbau von FACE und ruft zu einer besonderen Spendenaktion auf: Wer den Grundschulbau unterstützen möchte, kann sich freiwillig […]


What to do about Deforestation and Forest Degradation?

Green lighthouse for Zalewa Malawi's trees are in a tough spot: villagers and farmers use even healthy trees for firewood, without considering the long-term ecological impact. Even naturally sprouting saplings can't stand up to clearing and other adversity. The result? The area around Zalewa has no forests left. Education is the best way to combat [...]


help with one click

8390/10000 EUR

FACE Primary School

A new Primary School for Zalewa: We set ourselves the firm goal of providing education for disadvantaged young people – this includes first and foremost children, who are often excluded from good education. Especially the primary-school-system shows a high need o

Class Sponsorship

Frequent donations help us with covering the monthly costs of clothing, school-inventory and the payments of our teachers.In return, we will inform you regularly about our project in Malawi and you will find out what effect your support has on the project.

1400/5000 EUR


Movement is part of a successful school day. Playing, romping, climbing and sliding not only brighten up the break, but above all promote physical development, such as concentration, coordinaton, gross motor skills and a sense of balance. Social interaction is also trained during group play. These are all skills that complete holistic learning.

Studentenpatenschaft Philippinen

FACE unterstützt junge Menschen, indem es unter anderem Stipendien an Studenten aus armen Verhältnissen vergibt. Die Stipendiaten werden im eigenen Face-Garten in landwirtschaftlichen Techniken geschult, damit sie sich selbst und ihren Familien als Eigenversorger helfen können. Regelmäßige Spenden helfen uns, unsere monatlichen Kosten für diese Stipendiaten und den Bildungsweg junger Menschen zu ermöglichen.

Lehrerpatenschaft Philippinen

Unsere Lehrer sind ein unbezahlbares Gut für FACE. Täglich profitieren die Studenten in dem FACE-Garten von ihrem Vorbild und Engagement für die Studenten. Deine regelmäßigen Spenden ermöglichen es uns, unsere Lehrer fair zu bezahlen und auch ihnen langfristige Perspektiven zu bieten.

1065/3500 EUR

School books

For a child to learn: 35.00 Euro is needed for a student in Malawi, for school books and notebooks for one school year.